ORGAN OF THE MONTH 18: December 2003

Cathedral Church of St Michael, Coventry
(Harrison & Harrison, 1962)

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When the magnificent 14th century cathedral was reduced to ruins by German bombs in November 1940, the 'Father' Willis organ of 1886 was also totally destroyed.  The present instrument was completed in 1962, in time for the consecration of the new cathedral, by the Durham-based firm of Harrison & Harrison.  BOA members assembled at Coventry Cathedral on 10th November for the association's annual recital, so it seemed fitting to feature this fine instrument to complete another year's "Organ of the Month".

The photos show the division of the pipework between North and South cases.  The height of the case from floor level to top is 70 feet.   To the left we have the enclosed Solo with the Pedal Open Metal in front (top level), beneath which is the Swell Organ (Pedal Dulciana in front), then Choir flutes, then Pedal flutes with Choir Dulciana in front (bottom level).  To the right we have Great & Pedal reeds with the Double Diapason in front (top level), then Great fluework, then Choir diapasons, then the remaining Pedal stops with the Pedal Principal in front (bottom level).  The console is in the chancel at the rear of the choirstalls on the South side.

The organ was overhauled and solid state technology installed in 1987 by Harrisons.  Since 1999, it has been in the care of David Wells Organ Builders Ltd of Liverpool.



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Last modified: December 29, 2008