Open Diapason 8
Stopped Diapason 8
Salicional 8
Voix Angelica 8
Principal 4
Stopped Flute 4
Fifteenth 2
Tierce 135
Mixture III [19:22:26]
Double Trumpet 16
Vox Humana 8
Oboe 8
Trumpet 8
Clarion 4
Open Diaspason 8
Lieblich Gedeckt 8
Viol d'Orchetsre 8
Voix Celeste 8
Principal 4
Flauto Traverso 4
Fifteenth 2
Mixture II [19:22]
Tremulant |
Choir &
Echo to Great
Swell to Great
Choir & Echo to Pedal
Great to Pedal
Swell to Pedal
Gt & Pd pistons combined