Open Diapason 8
Stopped Diapason 8
Salicional 8
Voix Celeste 8 [TC]
Principal 4
Fifteenth 2
Mixture IV [15:19:22:26]
Contra Fagotto 16
Trumpet 8
Hautboy 8
Clarion 4
tremulant |
Flute 4
Orchestral Oboe 8
Clarinet 8
Tuba 8
Octave Tuba 4
Swell Octave
Swell Suboctave
Swell to Great
Swell to Choir
Choir to Great
Choir Octave ¶
Choir Suboctave ¶
Choir unison off ¶
Swell to Pedal
Swell Octave to Pedal
Great to Pedal
Choir to Pedal
Gt/Pd pistons combined
¶ acts on Positif & Solo