organ 165
March 2016
Royal Hospital
School, Holbrook
Hill, Norman & Beard,
1933 & 1993
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Pedal | Choir [enclosed] | Great | Swell | Solo [enclosed] |
Double Open Wood 32 Open Diapason 16 Open Wood 16 Bourdon 16 Viola 16 Dulciana 16 Octave 8 Principal 8 Bass Flute 8 Contra Ophicleide 32 Ophicleide 16 Trumpet 16 [Sw] Posaune 8 So / Pd Sw / Pd Gt / Pd | Double Dulciana 16 Open Diapason 8 Orchestral Flute 8 Viola da Gamba 8 Muted Viol 8 Dulciana 8 Harmonic Flute 4 Spitzflöte 4 Quintflöte 2 2/3 Piccolo 2 Tierce 1 3/5 Septieme 1 1/3 Oboe 8 tremulant Ch octave Ch suboctave Ch unison off So / Ch Sw / Ch | Double Open Diapason 16 Open Diapason I 8 Open Diapason III 8 Clarabella 8 Octave 4 Principal 4 Waldflöte 4 Mixture IV Contra Tromba 16 Tromba 8 Octave Tromba 4 So / Gt Sw / Gt Ch / Gt | Contra Viol 16 Open Diapason 8 Stopped Diapason 8 Salicional 8 Vox Angelica 8 [TC] Gemshorn 4 Lieblichflöte 4 Nazard 2 2/3 Fifteenth 2 Mixture IV Double Trumpet 16 Trumpet 8 Trompette 8 Clarion 4 tremulant Sw octave Sw suboctave Sw unison off | Harmonic Flute 8 Cor de Nuit 8 Viole 8 Unda Maris 8 Concert Flute 4 Orchestral Oboe 8 Clarinet 8 Orchestral Horn 8 Tuba 8 tremulant So octave So suboctave So unison off |
There are six combination pistons to each divisiona and ten generals
The divisional Octave and Suboctave couplers play through the unison couplers