L G Fund - Birmingham Organists' Association

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L G Fund

A brief history of the Leonard Gibbons Fund

Leonard Gibbons, Secretary of Birmingham Organists’ Association during the 1930s, was a former organist of St Mary’s Church, Selly Oak and St George’s Church, Edgbaston. The Fund originated in 1978 when Mrs Gibbons made a donation to the association in memory of her late husband.  The records show a succession of further donations from her during the 1980s.

Since then, the Fund has grown substantially through the regular efforts and generosity of many members of the association.  From 1983, the Fund was used to provide a single annual prize for someone living in the Birmingham area, studying the organ, and judged by the trustees to be outstanding in commitment and performance.  Amongst those benefiting from the Fund during this period can be counted several who have become professional musicians and recitalists, including Keith Hearnshaw, Paul Carr and David Briggs.

In spite of regular payments being made to worthy organ students, the capital of the fund has continued to increase. Consequently the members of BOA Council who act as the Fund's trustees have been able to create opportunities for even more students to benefit from the Fund.  Several undergraduate students of the Royal Birmingham Conservatoire's organ department have benefited from awards as well as beginning organ students from the local area.  There is no longer a single annual prize: students are invited to apply for an award throughout the year.  Once suitable references have been received, an award is usually made in the form of either vouchers to purchase organ music or lessons with a well-respected teacher, but we do consider other requests.

Click for the Guidelines used by the trustees in making awards, or for an Application Form.

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