178spec - Birmingham Organists' Association

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organ 178

April 2017




Willis 1877, 1934, 1969
Harrison 1978, 2006

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Solo  [enclosed]

Double Open Diapason 32

Open Bass 16

Open Diapason no.1 16

Open Diapason no.2 16
Violone 16

Bourdon 16

Lieblich Gedackt 16 [Ch]

Octave 8

Viola 8

Flute 8
Octave Viol 4

Octave Flute 4

Mixtur IV

Contra Posaune 32

Ophicleide 16

Clarion 8

So / Pd
So octave / Pd

Sw / Pd

Sw octave / Pd

Sw octave / Pd

Gt / Pd

Ch / Pd

Ch octave / Pd
Gt & Pd combs coupled

Lieblich Gedackt 16
Open Diapason 8
Flûte Harmonique 8
Lieblich Gedackt 8
Salicional 8
Gemshorn 4
Flûte Harmonique 4

Lieblich Gedackt 4

Nazard 2 2/3

Flageolet 2

Tierce 1 3/5

Trumpet 8


Ch octave

Ch suboctave

Ch unison off

So / Ch

Sw / Ch

Sw octave / Ch

Sw suboactave / Ch 

Double Open Diapason 16

Open Diapason no.1 8
Open Diapason no.2 8

Stopped Dipason 8
Claribel Flute 8
Principal no.1 4
Principal no.2 4
Flûte Couverte 4
Twelfth 2 2/3
Fifteenth 2
Mixtur IV []
Trombone 16
Trumpet 8
Clarion 4
So / Gt
So octave / Gt
So suboctave / Gt
Sw / Gt
Sw octave / Gt
Sw suboactave / Gt
Ch  / Gt
Ch octave / Gt
Ch suboactave / Gt
Contra Gamba 16
Open Diapason 8
Lieblich Gedackt 8
Viola da Gamba 8
Vox Angelica 8
Octave 4
Flûte Harmonique 4
Superoctave 2
Mixture III [17.19.22]
Contra Fagotto 16
Vox Humana 8
Hautboy 8
Trompette 8
Clarion 4
Sw octave
Sw suboctave
Sw unison off
So / Sw

Violoncello 8
'Cello Celestes 8
Flûte Harmonique 8
Flûte Harmonique 4
Cor Anglais 16
Clarinet 8
Orchestra Oboe 8
Tuba 8
Tuba Clarion 4
 Gt / So

There are eight combination pistons to each division and eight generals with multiple memory channels

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