organ 179
May 2017
Old St Paul's
Willis 1960, 1968
Nicholson 1977, 2000
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Pedal | Great | Swell |
Subbass 32 Open Diapason 16 (wood) Bourdon 16 Dulciana 16 [Gt] Octave 8 Bass Flute 8 Dulciana 8 [Gt] Super Octave 4 Octave Flute 4 Dulcet 4 [Gt] Trombone 16 Trumpet 8 [Gt] Sw / Pd Sw octave / Pd Gt / Pd Gt & Pd pistons combined | Dulciana 16 Open Diapason I 8 Open Diapason II 8 Stopped Flute 8 Dulciana 8 Principal 4 Spindle Flute 4 Twelfth 2 2/3 Fifteenth 2 Mixtur III-IV Trumpet 8 Sw / Gt Sw octave / Gt | Open Diapason 8 Lieblich Gedact 8 Salicional 8 Celeste 8 [TC] Gemshorn 4 Mixture III-IV Contra Oboe 16 Cornopean 8 tremulant Sw octave Sw suboctave Sw unison off So / Sw |
There are five combination pistons to each division and a switch that makes the Trumpet playable from the Swelll keyboard