organ 180
June 2017
St Giles'
Rieger Orgelbau, 1992
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Pedal | Positive | Great | Swell |
Untersatz 32 Principal 16 Open Wood 16 Sub Bass16 Octave 8 Gedackt 8 Choral Bass 4 Flute 4 Mixture V [19:22:26:29:33] Bombarde 32 Bombarde 16 Fagotto 16 Posaune 8 Clarion 4 Glocken Sw / Pd Gt / Pd Ch / Pd | Gedackt 8 Salicional 8 Principal 4 Chimney Flute 4 Octave 2 Recorder 2 Sesquialtera II [12:17] Larigot 1 1/3 Mixture IV [22:26:29:33] Rankett 16 Cromorne 8 tremulant Sw / Ch | Bourdon 16 Principal 8 Stopped Diapason 8 Harmonic Flute 8 Octave 4 Nachthorn 4 Quint 2 2/3 Superoctave 2 Mixtur VI [15:19:22:26:29:33] Mixture IV [19:22:26:29] Cornet V [1:8:12:15:17] Trumpet 16 Trumpet 8 Trumpet 4 tremulant Sw / Gt Ch / Gt | Bourdon 16 Diapason 8 Souffle 8 Flute a cheminee 8 Gambe 8 Voix Celeste 8 Prestant 4 Flute pointue 4 Nazard 2 2/3 Quarte de Nazard 2 Tierce 1 3/5 Sifflet 1 Plein Jeu VI-VIII [12:15:19:22:26:29] Basson 16 Trompette 8 Hautbois 8 Voix Humaine 8 Clarion 4 Glocken tremulant |
There are six combination pistons to each division and 12 generals on 16 memory levels, with a Sequencer