organ 206
August 2019
St James
Nicholson, 1990
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Pedal | Great | Swell |
Bourdon 16 Gedeckt 8 Choral Bass 4 Trombone 16 Schalmei 4 Sw / Pd Gt / Pd Ch / Pd | Open Diapaon 8 Stopped Flute 8 Dulciana 8 Principal 4 Chimney Flute 4 Block Flute 2 Nineteenth 1 1/3 Sesquialtera II Fourniture IV Trumpet 8 Sw / Gt | Lieblich Gedeckt 8 Bell Gamba 8 Voix Celeste 8 TC Principal 4 Fifteenth 2 Plein Jeu IV-V Contra Oboe 16 Horn 8 tremulant |
There are five divisional pistons to Sw, Gt, & Pd and five generals with an 8-level memory